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Pembahasan TOEFL Test Part 7 The Written Expression "Problem With Parallel Structure"

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 12:53 PM WIB Last Updated 2022-01-07T04:11:04Z
Posted by M. Riskiyanto


Dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik, diperlukan sebuah upaya untuk membuat bahasa sejajar dan seimbang. Kesejajaran atau keseimbangan ini disebut “parallel structure” atau struktur paralel. Anda dapat menghasilkan struktur paralel dengan membuat beberapa bentuk verb (kata kerja) menjadi sama. Berikut ini salah satu contoh kalimat yang tidak paralel.
I like to sing and dancing.* [incorrect]
Permasalahan pada kalimat ini bukan pada kata “to sing”, dan juga “dancing”. Baik kata “to sing” atau “dancing” sendiri benar. Kedua kata tersebut dalam kalimat berikut ini benar:
1.    I like to sing. [correct]
2.    I like dancing. [correct]
Permasalahan pada contoh yang salah di atas adalah “to sing” dan “dancing” digabungkan dalam satu kalimat oleh kata hubung “and”. Mereka merupakan bentuk yang berbeda dimana mungkin memiliki bentuk yang sama; oleh karena itu, contoh tersebut “I like to sing and dancing” tidak paralel. Kalimat tersebut dapat dibenarkan menjadi 2 cara yang berbeda: kita dapat menjadikan verb (kata kerja) tersebut sama, yaitu 1) “to sing and to dance” atau 2) “singing and dancing” (kata kerja tersebut memiliki bentuk yang paralel atau sejajar).
1.    I like to sing and to dance. [correct]
2.    I like singing and dancing. [correct]
Ada beberapa situasi dimana Anda harus berhati-hati terhadap penggunaan parallel structure. Parallel structures diperlukan dalam situasi berikut ini: (1) with coordinate conjunctions (dengan kata hubung koordinatif), seperti and, but, or; (2) with paired conjunctions (dengan kata hubung berpasangan), seperti both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor, not only ... but also; dan (3) with comparisons (dengan perbandingan).

Skill 24 Use Parallel Structure With Coordinate Conjunctions (Gunakan Struktur Paralel Dengan Kata Hubung Koordinatif)

Fungsi dari coordinate conjunctions (kata hubung koordinatif), seperti FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) adalah untuk menggabungkan dua kata ataupun kalimat yang setara. Dengan kata lain, apa antara kata atau sekumpulan kata yang satu dengan kata atau sekumpulan kata yang lainnya harus paralel. Konjungsi ini dapat menggabungkan nouns(kata benda), verbs (kata kerja), adjectives (kata sifat), phrases(frasa), subordinate clauses (klausa subordinatif), ataupun main clauses (klausa utama/kalimat); mereka hanya menghubungkan hal-hal (kata) yang setara. Berikut ini beberapa contoh 2 nouns (kata benda) yang digabungkan oleh coordinate conjunction:
§  I need to talk to the manager or the assistant manager.
§  She is not a teacher but a lawyer.
§  You can choose from activities such as hiking and kayaking.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh 2 verbs (kata kerja) yang digabungkan oleh coordinate conjunction:
§  He eats and sleeps only when he takes a vacation.
§  She invites us to her home but never talks with us.
§  You can stay home or go to the movies with us.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh 2 adjectives (kata sifat) yang digabungkan oleh coordinate conjunction:
§  My boss is sincere and nice.
§  The exam that he gave was short but difficult.
§  Class can be interesting or boring.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh 2 phrases (frasa) yang digabungkan oleh coordinate conjunction:
§  There are students in the classroom and in front of the building.
§  The papers are on my desk or in the drawer.
§  The checks will be ready not at noon but at 1:00.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh 2 clauses (klausa) yang digabungkan oleh coordinate conjunction:
§  They are not interested in what you say or what you do.
§  I am here because I have to be and because I want to be.
§  Mr. Brown likes to go home early, but his wife prefers to stay late.
Perlu diingat!!!
1 [same structure] + coordinate conjunction + [same structure]
2 [same structure], [same structure], + coordinate conjunction + [same structure]
Coordinate conjuction meliputi FANBOYS, yaitu For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, dan So.

EXERCISE 24: Each of the following sentence words or groups of words that should be parallel. Italicise the word that indicates that the sentence should be parallel. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).
1.    She held jobs as a typist, a housekeeper, and in restaurant. (.....)
2.    The report you are looking for could be in file or on the desk. (.....)
3.    She works very hard but usually gets below-average grades. (.....)

4.    The speaker introduced himself, told several interesting anecdotes, and finishing with emotional plea. (.....)

5.    You should know when the program starts and how many units you must complete. (.....)

6.    The term paper he wrote was rather short but very impressive. (.....)

7.    She suggested taking this plane this evening or that we go by train tomorrow. (.....)

8.    The dean or the assistant dean will inform you of when and where you should apply for your diploma. (.....)

9.    There are papers to file reposts to type, and those letters should be answered. (.....)

10. The manager needed a quick but thorough response. (.....)

Key Answer:

1.    She held jobs as a typist, a housekeeper, and in restaurant. ( I ) “in restaurant seharusnya “waitress” mengikuti bentuk nouns parallel”

2.    The report you are looking for could be in file or on the desk. ( C )

3.    She works very hard but usually gets below-average grades. ( C )

4.    The speaker introduced himself, told several interesting anecdotes, andfinishing with emotional plea. ( I ) “finishing seharusnya “finished” mengikuti bentuk verbs parallel”

5.    You should know when the program starts and how many units you must complete. ( C )

6.    The term paper he wrote was rather short but very impressive. ( C )

7.    She suggested taking this plane this evening or that we go by train tomorrow. ( I ) “that we go seharusnya “going” mengikuti bentuk verbs parallel”

8.    The dean or the assistant dean will inform you of when and where you should apply for your diploma. ( C )

9.    There are papers to file, reports to type, and those letters should be answered. ( I ) “those letters should be answered seharusnya “letters to answer” mengikuti bentuk phrase parallel”

10. The manager needed a quick but thorough response. ( C )

Skill 25 Use Parallel Structure With Paired Conjunctions (Gunakan Stuktur Paralel Dengan Kata Hubung Yang Berpasangan)

Paired conjunctions atau kata hubung berpasangan, seperti both ... and (keduanya ... dan), either ... or (baik ... atau), neither ... nor (baik ... atau), dan not only ... but also (tidak hanya ... tetapi juga), memerlukan struktur paralel (parallel structures). Perhatikan contoh berikut.

§  I know both where you went and what you did.

§  Either Mark or Sue has the book.

§  The tickets are neither in my pocket nor in my purse.

§  He is not only an excellent student but also an outstanding athlete.

Kalimat berikut ini tidak paralel dan harus dibenarkan.
§  He wants either to go by train or by plane*. [incorrect]

Kalimat di atas tidak benar karena “to go by train” tidak paralel atau sejajar dengan “by plane”. Oleh karena itu, kalimat tersebut dapat diubah menjadi bentuk paralel dengan beberapa cara sebagai berikut:

           (a) He wants either to go by train or to go by plane. [correct]

           (b) He wants to go either by train or by plane. [correct]

           (c) He wants to go by either train or plane. [correct]

Ketika Anda menggunakan paired conjunctions (kata hubung berpasangan), pastikan bahwa konjungsi tersebut menggunakan pasangan yang benar. Berikut ini contoh penggunaan paired conjunction yang salah:
§  I want both this book or* that one.

§  Either Sam nor* Sue is taking the course.

Kalimat tersebut salah karena bagian atau pasangan dari paired conjunctions yang digunakan tidak sesuai. Pada contoh pertama, “both” seharusnya berpasangan dengan “and”. Sedangkan pada contoh yang kedua, “either” seharusnya berpasangan dengan “or
Perlu diingat!!!


Not only

(Same structure)


But also

(Same structure)


EXERCISE 25: Each of the following sentences words or groups of words that should be parallel. Bold the word that indicates that the sentence should be parallel. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

1.    According to the syllabus, you can either write a paper or you can take an exam. (.....)

2.    It would be both noticed and appreciated if you could finish the work before you leave. (.....)

3.    She would like neither to see a movie or to go bowling. (.....)

4.    Either the manager or her assisstant can help you with your friends. (.....)

5.    She wants not only to take a trip to Europe but she also would like to travel to Asia. (.....)

6.    He could correct neither what you said nor you wrote. (.....)

7.    Both the tailor or the laundress could fix the damage to the dress. (.....)

8.    He not only called the police department but also called the fire department. (.....)

9.    You can graduate either at the end of the fall semester or you can graduate at the end of the spring semester. (.....)

10. The movie was neither amusing nor was it interesting. (.....)

Key Answer:

1.    According to the syllabus, you can either write a paper or you can take an exam. ( I ) -> ‘you can’ harus dihilangkan agar menjadi verb phrase parallel. 

2.    It would be both noticed and appreciated if you could finish the work before you leave. ( C )

3.    She would like neither to see a movieor to go bowling. ( I ) -> Paired conjunction neither harus berpasangan dengan nor.

4.    Eitherthe manager or her assistants can help you with your friends. ( C )

5.    She wants not only to take a trip to Europe but she also would like to travel to Asia. ( I ) -> “she, & would like” harus dihilangkan agar menjadi verb phrase parallel.

6.    He could correct neither what you said nor what you wrote. ( I ) -> kata “what” harus ditambahkan sehingga menjadi clause parallel

7.    Boththe tailor or the laundresscould fix the damage to the dress. ( I ) -> Paired conjunction both harus berpasangan dengan and.

8.    He not only called the police department but also called the fire department. ( C )

9.    You can graduate either at the end of the fall semester or you can graduateat the end of the spring semester. ( I ) -> “you can graduate” perlu dihilangkang agar menjadi adverb phrase parallel.

10. The movie was neither amusing nor was it interesting. ( I ) -> “was it” harus dihilangkan agar menjadi adjective parallel.

Skill 26 Use Parallel Structure With Comparisons (Gunakan Struktur Paralel Dengan Perbandingan)

Ketika Anda membuat perbandingan, perhatikan persamaan atau perbedaan di antara 2 hal yang Anda bandingkan, dan 2 hal tersebut harus paralel. Anda dapat mengetahui perbandingan yang menunjukkan 2 hal berbeda dari penggunaan kata “-er ... than” atau “more ... than”.

§  My school is farther than your school.

§  To be rich is better than to be poor.

§  What is written is more easily understood than what is spoken.

Perbandingan yang menunjukkan 2 hal yang yang sama pasti menggunakan “as ... as” atau ungkapan, seperti as the same as atau similar to.

§  Their car is as big as a small house.

§  Renting those apartments costs about the same as leasing them.

§  The work that I did is similar to the work that you did.

Perlu diingat!!!

(same structure)

more ... than
-er ... than
less ... than
as ... as
the same as ...
similar to ...

(same structure)


EXERCISE 26: Each of the following sentence words or groups of words that should be parallel. Bold the word that indicates that the sentence should be parallel. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) of incorrect (I).

1.    His research for the thesis was more useful than hers. (.....)

2.    Dining in a restaurant is more fun than to eat at home. (.....)

3.    I want a new secretary who is as efficient as the previous one. (.....)

4.    What you do today should be the same as did yesterday. (.....)

5.    This lesson is more difficult than we had before. (.....)

6.    You have less homework than they do. (.....)

7.    What you do has more effect than what you say. (.....)

8.    Music in your country is quite similar to my country. (.....)

9.    The collection of foreign journals in the university library is more expensive than the high school library. (.....)

10. How to buy a used car can be as difficult as buying a new car. (.....)

Key Answer:

1.    His researchfor the thesis was moreuseful than hers. ( C )

2.    Dining in a restaurant is more fun than to eat at home. ( I ) -> “to eat” harus diubah menjadi “eating” agar parallel dengan “dining”.

3.    I want a new secretary who is asefficient as the previous one. ( C )

4.    What you do today should be the same as what you did yesterday. ( I ) -> tambahkan “what you” agar menjadi clause parallel.

5.    This lesson is moredifficult than the lesson we had before. ( I ) -> tambahkan “the lesson” agar menjadi phrase parallel.

6.    You have lesshomework than they do. ( C )

7.    What you do has moreeffect than what you say. ( C )

8.    Music in your country is quite similar to music in my country. ( I ) -> tambahkan “music in” agar menjadi phrase parallel.

9.    The collection of foreign journals in the university libraryis more expensive than the collection of foreign journals in the high school library. ( I ) -> tambahkan “the collection of foreign journals” agar menjadi phrase parallel.

10. How to buy a used car can be as difficult as how tobuying a new car. ( I ) -> tambahkan “how to” agar menjadi phrase parallel.


EXERCISE(Skill 24-26). Bold the word or words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1.    After retirement he plans on traveling to exotic locations, dine in the finest restaurants, and playing a lot of golf. (....)

2.    She was both surprised by and pleased with the seminar. (....)

3.    What came after the break was even more boring than had come before. (....)

4.    He would find the missing keys neither under the bed or behind the sofa. (....)

5.    Depending on the perspective of the viewer, the film was considered laudable, mediocrity, or horrendous. (....)

6.    He exercised not only in the morning, but he also exercised every afternoon. (....)

7.    Working four days per week is much more relaxing dian working five days per week. (....)

8.    Sam is always good-natured, generous, and helps you. (....)

9.    Either you have to finish the project, or the contract will be canceled. (....)

10. The courses that you are required to take are more important than the courses that you choose. (....)

Key Answer:

1.    After retirement he plans on traveling to exotic locations, dine in the finest restaurants, and playing a lot of golf. ( I ) -> “dine” harus diubah menjadi “dining” agar menjadi phrase parallel.

2.    She was both surprised by and pleased with the seminar. ( C )

3.    What came after the break was even more boring than what had come before. ( I ) -> tambahkan “what” agar menjadi clause parallel.

4.    He would find the missing keys neither under the bed or behind the sofa. ( I ) -> Paired conjunction “neither” harus berpasangan dengan nor.

5.    Depending on the perspective of the viewer, the film was considered laudable, mediocrity, orhorrendous. ( I ) -> “mediocrity” harus diganti menjadi “mediocre” agar menjadi adjective parallel.

6.    He exercised not only in the morning, but he also exercised every afternoon. ( I ) -> “he, & exercised” perlu dihilangkan agar menjadi adverb parallel.

7.    Working four days per week is much more relaxing than working five days per week. ( C )

8.    Sam is always good-natured, generous, and helps you. ( I ) -> “help you” harus diganti menjadi “helpful” agar menjadi adjective parallel.

9.    Eitheryou have to finish the project, or the contract will be canceled. ( I ) “you have to finish” harus dihilangkan agar menjadi phrase parallel.

10. The courses that you are required to take are more important than the courses that you choose. ( C )

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 24-26): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1.    Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood is neither journalistically accurate ....

(A) a piece of fiction
(B) nor a fictitious work
(C) or written in a fictitious way
(D) nor completely fictitious

2.    Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention and .... of scurvy.

(A) it cures
(B) cures
(C) cure
(D) for curing

3.    A baby’s development is influenced by both heredity and ....

(A) by environmental factors
(B) environmentally
(C) the influence of the environment
(D) environment

4.    Because bone loss occurs earlier in women than ...., the effects of osteoporosis are more apparent in women.

(A) men do
(B) in men
(C) as men
(D) similar to men
Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

5.    Fire (A) extinguishers (B) can contain liquefied gas, dry chemicals, (C) or (D) watery.


6.  The U.S. Congress (A) consists (B) of both (C) the Senate (D) as well as the House of Representatives.


7.    The prison (A) population in this state, now (B) at an all time high, (C) is higher than (D) any state.


8.    A (A) well-composed baroque opera (B) achieves a delicate balance by (C) focusing alternately on the aural, visual, emotional, and (D) philosophyelements.


9.    Manufacturers (A) may use food additives (B) for preserving, to color, to flavor, or to (C) fortify (D) foods.


10. (A) A bankruptcy (B) may be either (C) voluntary (D) norinvoluntary.

Key answer:

1.    D

2.    D

3.    D

4.    B

5.    C

6.    D

7.    D

8.    D

9.    B

10.       D

Source: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test
See also:

1.    Part of Speech: Verb

2.    Part of Speech: Conjunction

3.    Degree of Comparison

4.    Gerund & Infinitive

5.    TOEFL Part 6 The Structure Questions

6.    TOEFL Part 7 The Structure Questions

7.    TOEFL Part 8 The Structure Questions

8.    TOEFL Part 9 The Structure Questions

9.    TOEFL Part 10 The Structure Questions

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