Setelah kalian mempelajari Pembahasan TOEFL Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, dan 14 coba kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kepekaan grammar bahasa Inggris-mu pada Section Test “Structure & Written Expression”.
EXERCISE (Skills 46-48)
Italicize the adjectives and adverbs in the following sentences. Bold the words they describe. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. They were unable to see where their friends were sitting in the theater because of the lights dim. (…..)
2. After the comprehensive exam, she looked exhaustedly by the experience. (…..)
3. The project was remarkable close to being finished. (…..)
4. Mark always does his homework careful. (…..)
5. The program proved far more interesting than I had imagined it would be. (…..)
6. The student had attended regularly all the lectures in the series. (…..)
7. The patient became healthy after the operation. (…..)
8. The grandparents speak proudly about all their offspring. (…..)
9. The manager seemed certainly that the project would be finished under budget. (…..)
10. The firefighters worked feverishly, and they put out immediately the fire. (…..)
1. They were unable to see where their friends were sitting in the theater because of the lights dim. (I) > adjective “dim” seharusnya berada sebelum noun “lights” sehingga menjadi noun phrase “the dim lights”.
2. After the comprehensive exam, she looked exhaustedly by the experience. (I) > Adverb “exhaustedly” seharusnya digantikan dengan adjective “exhausted” karena mengikuti linking verb.
3. The project was remarkable close to being finished. (I) > adjective “remarkable” seharusnya digantikan dengan adverb “remarkably”.
4. Mark always does his homework careful. (I) > adjective “careful” seharusnya digantikan dengan adverb “carefully” karena mengikuti regular verb.
5. The program proved far more interesting than I had imagined it would be. (C)
6. The student had attended regularly all the lectures in the series. (I) > adverb “regularly” seharusnya dapat diposisikan antara lain: 1) Regularly the student …, 2) … the students had regularly attended ..., dan 3) ... all the lectures in the series regularly.
7. The patient became healthy after the operation. (C)
8. The grandparents speak proudly about all their offspring. (C)
9. The manager seemed certainly that the project would be finished under budget. (I) > adverb “certainly” seharusnya digantikan dengan adjective “certain” karena mengikuti linking verb.
10. The firefighters worked feverishly, and they put out immediately the fire. (I) > adverb “immediately” seharusnya dapat diposisikan antara lain: 1) immediately they …, 2) … the fire immediately., dan 3) they immediately put out …
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 46-48)
Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
1. (A) Modern art is on (B) display at the Guggenhein Museum, (C) a building with an (D) unusually design.
2. By the beginning (A) of the 1980’s fifteen states had (B) adopted already (C) no-fault (D) insurance laws.
3. (A) Heart attacks are (B) fatally in 75 (C) percent of (D) occurrences.
4. In spite of a (A) tremendous (B) amount of (C) electronic gadgetry, air traffic control still depends (D) heavy on people.
5. Only (A) recently have Gooden’s (B) industrially designers and engineers been able to optimize Watertred’s (C) unusual tread patterns for (D) mass production.
6. A (A) baboon’s arms (B) appear as (C) lengthily as (D) its legs.
7. A (A) serious problem is (B) how to communicate (C) reliable with a (D) submerged submarine.
8. (A) Americans are (B) destroying rapidly wetlands, (C) faster than an acre (D) every two minutes.
9. The (A) central (B) banking system of the U.S. (C) consists of twelve (D) banks district.
10. Telegraph (A) service (B) across the Atlantic was (C) successful (D) established in 1866.
1. D, (unusual) 2. B, (already adopted) 3. B, (fatal) 4. D, (heavy people) 5. B, (industrial) | 6. C, (long) 7. C, (reliably) 8. B, (rapidly destroying) 9. D, (district banks) 10. C, (successfully) |
Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. Patty Berg, the top tournament winner in women’s golf, _____ eighty-three golf tournaments from 1935 through 1964.
(A) she won
(B) winning
(C) won
(D) who won
2. _____ with about fifteen times its weight in air does gasoline allow the carburetor to run smoothly.
(A) It is mixed
(B) To mix it
(C) When mixed
(D) Only when mixed
Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
3. The Colorado River (A) reaches (B) their maximum (C) height (D) during April and May.
4. (A) Plant proteins (B) tend to have (C) few amino acids than proteins from (D) animal sources.
5. (A) The Viking spacecraft (B) has landed (C) on Mars (D) in July of 1976.
6. Admiral Byrd (A) commanded airplane (B) expeditions (C) over both the Arctic (D) or the Antarctic.
7. The (A) advertising campaign (B) will be based on the (C) recent (D) completed study.
8. Coronary occlusion (A) results from a disease (B) in which fatty substances with a large (C) amount of cholesterol (D) is deposited in the arteries.
9. Her money (A) gave back as (B) soon as she (C) threatened (D) to take the matter to court.
10. (A) Other sites of fossil discoveries throughout Wyoming, (B) ranging from the fiery Tyrannosaurus Rex to (C) the milder Triceratops, have proven (D) equally excite.
1. C 2. D 3. B, (its) 4. C, (little) 5. D, (had) | 6. D, (and) 7. C, (recently) 8. B, (whose) 9. A, (was given back) 10. C, (the mild) |
Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test
See also
1. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 11 (Skills 1 to 42)
2. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 12 (Skills 1 to 45)
3. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 13 (Skills 1 to 48)
4. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 14 (Skills 1 to 51)
5. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 15 (Skills 1 to 55)
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Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal TOEFL Review Exercise 13 (Skills 1 to 48) terkait Structure & Written Expression. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊