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TOEFL Test: Review Exercise of Structure Questions Part 14 (Skills 1 to 51)

Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 9:00 AM WIB Last Updated 2022-01-07T04:10:50Z

Setelah kalian mempelajari Pembahasan TOEFL Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 coba kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kepekaan grammar bahasa Inggris-mu pada Section Test “Structure & Written Expression”.
EXERCISE (Skills 49 - 51)

Underline the adjectives in each of the following sentences. Bold the nouns or pronouns they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1.      Her kindly words of thanks made me feel appreciating. (…..)

2.      After the earthquake, assistance was sent to the damaging areas. (…..)

3.      Your view has some validity; however, we do not have alike opinions on the matter. (…..)

4.      It is likely that the early seminar will not be the most interested. (…..)

5.      I prefer a live theater show to a movie. (…..)

6.      The thesis of your essay was not very well developed. (…..)

7.      The asleep children were wakened by the loud around of the crashing thunder. (…..)

8.      During the nightly news show there was a lively and fascinating debate. (…..)

9.      His car was struck by an uninsured motorist. (…..)

10.  The girl was all alone and feeling lonely in the darkened, frightened house. (…..)


1.      Her kindly words of thanks made me feel appreciating. (C)

2.      After the earthquake, assistance was sent to the damaging areas. (C) > -ing adjective “damaging” seharusnya berupa -ed adjective “damaged”.

3.      Your view has some validity; however, we do not have alike opinionson the matter. (I) > adjective “alike” seharusnya berupa adjective “like atau similar” karena berada di depan noun “opinions”.

4.      It is likely that the early seminar will not be the most interested. (C)

5.      I prefer a live theater show to a movie. (C)

6.      The thesis of your essay was not very well developed. (C)

7.      The asleep children were wakened by the loud around of the crashing thunder. (I) > adjective “asleep” seharusnya berupa adjective “sleeping” karena berada di depan noun “children”

8.      During the nightly news show there was a lively and fascinating debate. (I) > adjective “lively” seharusnya berupa adjective “live”.

9.      His car was struck by an uninsured motorist. (I) > adjective “uninsured” seharusnya berupa adjective “uninsuring”.

10.  The girl was all alone and feeling lonely in the darkened, frightened house. (C)

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 49 - 51)
Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. As (A) the only major American river that (B) flowed in a (C) west direction, the Ohio was the (D) preferred route for settlers.

2. During the (A) annuallysalmon migration from the sea to (B) fresh water, Alaska’s McNeil River becomes a (C) gathering place for brown bears waiting (d) eagerly to catch their fill.

3. Edelman stresses the (A) mountingevidence (B) showing that (C) greatly variation on a microscopic scale is (D) likely.

4. Perhaps the most (A) welcoming and (B) friendly of the park’s wild places is the (C) live oak forest that surrounds the district’s (D) alone visitors’ center in Gulf Breeze.

5. Halley’s comet, (A) viewing (B) through a telescope, was (C) quite (D) impressive.

6. The state of (A) deep (B) asleep is (C) characterized (D) by rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep.

7. (A) Among the (B) disputing (C) sections of the Monteverdi opera (D) are the sinfonia, the prologue, and the role of Ottone.

8. Most (A) probablybecause of the (B) likable rapport between anchors, the (C) night newscast on the local ABC affiliate has (D) recently moved well beyond its competitors in the ratings battle.

9. (A) Signing at the (B) outset of a business deal, a contract offers the participants (C) a certain degree of legal protection from (D) costly mistakes.

10. The story presented by Fischer is a (A) headlong tale told so (B) effectively that (C) its momentumcarries the reader right through the (D) live endnotes.
Read Also
Skill 49 Recognize –Ly Adjectives
Skill 50 Use Predicate Adjectives Correctly
Skill 51 Use –Ed And –Ing Adjectives Correctly

1.      C, (westerly)

2.      A, (annual)

3.      D, (alike)

4.      D, (lone)

5.      D, (impressing)

6.      B, (sleeping)

7.      B, (disputed)

8.      C, (nightly)

9.      A, (signed)

10.  B, (effective)

Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. During the early nineteenth century, the Spanish missions in Alta, California____to be an integral part of the economy and productive capacity of the region.
(A) proved
(B) they proved
(C) they proved it
(D) proved it
2. Still other hurdles remain before_____ suitable for private cars.
(A) fuel cells
(B) become
(C) fuel cells become
(D) that fuel cells become
3. The daughters of Joseph LaFlesche were born into the generation of Omaha forced to abandon tribal traditions,_____on the reservation, and to adapt to the white man’s ways.
(A) they matured
(B) to mature
(C) maturing
(D) to maturity
4. Among the most revealing aspects of mining towns_____their paucity of public open space.
(A) was
(B) were
(C) it was
(D) so
Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
5. (A) Factor analysis (B) is used to discover (C) how many abilities are (D) involve in intelligence test performance.

6. One of the (A) early orders of marine mammals, manatees (B) have evolved more than fifty (C) million years ago (D) from land animals.

7. Dolphins and chimps (A) are (B) like (C) in that they (D) have been shown to have language skills.

8. In the appendix at the (A) end of the chapter (B) are the instructions (C) to be used for the (B) completion correct of the form.

9. (A) Usedsound (B) that varies not only in time (C) but in space, whale at close range may (D) communicate with sonarlike “pictures”.

10. the 1899 Trans-Mississippi International Exposition (A) has the distinction (B) of being the last major fair (C) which held (D) during the Victorian period.


1.      A

2.      C

3.      B

4.      B

5.      D, (involved)

6.      B, (had involved)

7.      B, (alike)

8.      D, (correct completion)

9.      A, (using)

10.  C, (which was held)


Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test
See also:

1. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 11 (Skills 1 to 42)

2. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 12 (Skills 1 to 45)

3. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 13 (Skills 1 to 48)

4. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 14 (Skills 1 to 51)

5. TOEFL Test Review Exercise Part 15 (Skills 1 to 55)

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Demikian tadi sekilas Latihan Soal TOEFL Review Exercise 14 (Skills 1 to 51) terkait Structure & Written Expression. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih ; )


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