Banyak permasalahan beragam pada penggunaan verb tense yang benar pada bahasa Inggris. Namun, terdapat 4 permasalahan khusus yang seringkali terjadi pada tes TOEFL, jadi Anda perlu memerhatikan hal-hal berikut yaitu: (1) Mengetahui Kapan Menggunakan Past dan Present, (2) Menggunakan Have dan Had dengan Benar, (3) Menggunakan Tense yang Benar dengan Keterangan Waktu, dan (4) Menggunakan Tense yang Benar dengan Will dan Would.
Skill 33 Know When To Use The Past With The Present (Mengetahui Kapan Menggunakan Past dan Present)
Salah satu permasalahan yang umum terjadi pada tulisan siswa dan pada tes TOEFL adalah perubahan dari past tense menjadi present tense tanpa alasan yang jelas. Seringkali ketika kalimat mempunyai keduanya past tense dan present tense, kalimat tersebut tidak benar.
He took the money when he wants* it.
Kalimat di atas menyatakan bahwa he took the money (past tense) dan when he wants it (present tense). Maksud kalimat tersebut tidak masuk akal; tidak mungkin melakukan sesuatu di masa lalu (past) karenan sesuatu yang Anda inginkan saat ini (present). Kalimat tersebut dapat dibenarkan dengan beberapa cara tergantung pada makna yang dinginkan.
(a) He took the money when he wanted it.
(b) He takes the money when he wants it.
Kalimat ke-1 memiliki makna bahwa he took the money (past tense) dan when he wanted it (past tense). Maknanya logis, dan kalimat tersebut benar. Sedangkan, kalimat ke-2 memiliki makna bahwa he takes the money (present tense) dan when he wants it (present tense). Maknanya juga logis, dan kalimat tersebut juga benar.
Namun perlu ditunjukkan, bahwa mungkin saja sebuah kalimat logis dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki keduanya past tense dan present tense.
I know that he took the money yesterday.
Makna kalimat di atas logis: I know (sekarang, di saat ini (present)), dan that he took the money yesterday (kemarin, masa lalu (past)). Anda dapat melihat dari contoh ini bahwa mungkin sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris memiliki keduanya past tense dan present tense. Kesalahan yang perlu Anda hindari adalah perubahan dari past tense menjadi present tense tanpa alasan yang jelas. Oleh karena itu, ketika Anda menemukan sebuah kalimat pada tes TOEFL dengan keduanya past tense dan present tense, Anda harus memeriksa makna kalimat tersebut dengan cermat untuk melihat apakah kalimat tersebut logis dalam bahasa Inggris atau tidak.
Perlu diingat!!!
1. Jika Anda menemukan sebuah kalimat dengan salah satu verb dalam past (bentuk lampau) dan verb lainnya dalam present (bentuk saat ini), kalimat tersebut mungkin salah. 2. Namun, mungkin sebuah kalimat memiliki keduanya verb past (bentuk lampau) dan verb present (bentuk saat ini) bersamaan. 3. Jika Anda menemukan verb past (bentuk lampau) dan verb present (bentuk saat ini) bersamaan, Anda harus memeriksa maknanya untuk menentukan apakah kalimat tersebut benar atau salah. |
Each of the following sentences has at least one verb in the past and one verb in the present. Underline the verbs and decide if the meanings are logical. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. I tell him the truth when he asked me a question. (....)
2. I understand that you were angry. (....)
3. When he was a child, he always goes to the circus. (....)
4. Last semester he reads seven books and wrote five papers. (....)
5. Steve wakes up early every morning because he went to work early. (....)
6. Mark studied at the American University when he is in Washington, D.C. (....)
7. He is telling the teacher why he did not have time to finish his homework. (....)
8. He put some money in his account when he goes to the bank. (....)
9. Tom keeps studying hard because he intended to go to dental school. (....)
10. She is where she is today because she worked hard when she was a student. (....)
Key Answer
1. I tell him the truth when he asked me a question. (I) -> “asked” seharusnya ask.
2. I understand that you were angry. (C)
3. When he was a child, he always goes to the circus. (I) -> “goes” seharusnya went.
4. Last semester he reads seven books and wrote five papers. (I) -> “reads” seharusnya read.
5. Steve wakes up early every morning because he went to work early. (I) -> “went” seharusnya goes.
6. Mark studied at the American University when he is in Washington, D.C. (I) -> “is” seharusnya was.
7. He is telling the teacher why he did not have time to finish his homework. (C)
8. He put some money in his account when he goes to the bank. (I) -> “goes” seharusnya went.
9. Tom keeps studying hard because he intended to go to dental school. (C)
10. She is where she is today because she worked hard when she was a student. (C)
Skill 34 Use Have And Had Correctly (Menggunakan Have dan Had dengan Benar)
Dua tenses yang seringkali membingungkan adalah present perfect (have + past participle) dan past perfect (had + past participle). Dua tenses ini memiliki penggunaan yang berbeda, dan Anda harus memahami bagaimana membedakannya.
Present perfect (have + past participle) merujuk pada periode waktu dari masa lalu hingga sekarang.
Sue has lived in Los Angeles for ten years.
Kalimat di atas berarti Sue telah tinggal di Los Angeles selama 10 tahun sampai saat ini. Kalimat tersebut tidak hanya menunjukkan masa lampau.
1. At the start of the nineteenth century, Thomas Jefferson has become* president of the United States.
2. Every time Jim worked on his car, he has improved* it.
Pada contoh ke-1, frasa at the start of the nineteenth century menunjukkan bahwa tindakan “verb” hanya di masa lalu, tetapi verb menunjukkan periode waktu dari masa lalu sampai saat ini. Karena hal ini tidak logis, kalimat tersebut tidak benar. Verb pada contoh kalimat ke-1 seharusnya simple past “became”.
Pada contoh ke-2 menunjukkan bahwa Jim worked on his car dalam masa lampau, tetapi he improved pada periode waktu dari masa lampau sampai saat ini. Kalimat ini tidak logis. Verb pada contoh kalimat ke-2 seharusnya simple past improved.
Past perfect (had + past participle) merujuk pada periode waktu yang dimulai pada masa lalu dan berakhir pada masa lalu, sebelum hal lain terjadi di masa lalu.
Sue had lived in Los Angeles for ten years when she moved to San Diego.
Kalimat di atas berarti bahwa Sue telah tinggal di Los Angeles selama 10 tahun di masa lalu sebelum dia pindah ke San Diego di masa lalu. Dia tidak lagi tinggal di Los Angeles saat ini.
Karena past perfect dimulai dan berakhir di masa lalu, umumnya tidak benar jika kalimat past perfect bersamaan dengan present tense dalam sebuah kalimat.
Tom had finished the exam when the teacher collects* the papers.
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan bahwa Tom finished the exam (di masa lalu) dan tindakan itu diakhiri when the teacher collects the paper (di masa kini). Kalimat ini tidak logis, jadi kaliamat ini tidak benar. Tom finished the exam (di masa lalu), dan tindakan ini berakhir when the teacher collected the papers. Oleh karena itu, verb ke-2 pada contoh ini harus dalam past tense, collected.
Perlu diingat!!!
Using (Have + Past Participle) And (Had + Past Participle) |
Tense | Bentuk | Arti | Kegunaan |
Present perfect | Have + Past Participle | Masa lalu hingga saat ini | Tidak digunakan dengan past tense** |
Past perfect | Had + Past Participle | Sebelum masa lalu sampai masa lalu | Tidak digunakan dengan present tense |
**pengecualian ketika keterangan waktu “since” merupakan bagian dari kalimat. (Past participle merupakan Verb-3) |
Each of the following sentences contains had or have. Underline the verbs and decide if the meanings are logical. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. I have always liked the designs that are on the cover. (....)
2. Because her proposal had been rejected, she is depressed. (....)
3. The students have registered for classes before the semester started. (....)
4. When she had purchased the car, she contacted the insurance agent. (....)
5. He said that he had finished the typing when you finish the report. (....)
6. She has enjoyed herself every time that she has gone to the zoo. (....)
7. He drove to the post office after he had finished preparing the package. (....)
8. After the votes were counted, it had been determined that Steve was the winner. (....)
9. Last night all the waiters and waitresses have worked overtime. (....)
10. He had fastened his seat belt before the airplane took off. (....)
Key Answer
1. I have always liked the designs that are on the cover. (C)
2. Because her proposal had been rejected, she is depressed. (I) -> “is” seharusnya simple past (was).
3. The students have registered for classes before the semester started. (I) -> “started” seharusnya present tense (starts).
4. When she had purchased the car, she contacted the insurance agent. (C)
5. He said that he had finished the typing when you finish the report. (I) -> “finish” seharusnya simple past (finished).
6. She has enjoyed herself every time that she has gone to the zoo. (I) -> “has enjoyed” seharusnya present tense (enjoys).
7. He drove to the post office after he had finished preparing the package. (C)
8. After the votes were counted, it had been determined that Steve was the winner. (C)
9. Last night all the waiters and waitress have worked overtime. (I) -> “have worked” seharusnya simple past (worked).
10. He had fastened his seat belt before the airplane took off. (C)
Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test
See also:
1. Part of Speech: Verb
2. Part of Speech: Adverb
3. Passive Voice
4. Auxiliary Verb: Primary & Modal Auxiliary
5. Kinds of Tense: Present Tense
6. Kinds of Tense: Past Tense
7. Kinds of Tense: Future Tense
8. Kinds of Tense: Past Future Tense
9. TOEFL Part 6 The Structure & Written Questions
10. TOEFL Part 7 The Structure & Written Questions
11. TOEFL Part 8 The Structure & Written Questions
12. TOEFL Part 9 The Structure & Written Questions
13. TOEFL Part 10 The Structure & Written Questions Part A & Part B
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Demikian tadi sekilas Penjelasan TOEFL Test Part 10 A terkait Structure & Written Expression “Problems With The Use Of The Verb”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
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