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Pembahasan TOEFL Test Part 12A The Written Expression "Problem With Passive Verb"

Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 9:30 AM WIB Last Updated 2022-01-07T04:11:00Z

    Tipe permasalahan yang sama pada noun (kata benda) seringkali muncul pada bagian written expression pada tes TOEFL. Anda harus terbiasa dengan permasalah-permasalahan tersebut sehingga Anda akan dengan mudah memahami mereka. Anda harus mampu melakukan hal berikut: (1) menggunakan singular noun (kata benda tungal) atau plural noun (kata benda jamak) dengan benar, (2) membedakan countable noun (kata benda yang dapat dihitung) dan uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung), (3) mengenali irregular singular noun (kata benda tunggal tidak beraturan) dan plural noun (kata benda jamak tidak beraturan), and (4) membedakan kata benda orang dari benda.

Skill 39 Use The Correct Singular Or Plural Noun (Menggunakan Kata Benda Tunggal Atau Jamak Yang Benar)

    Permasalahan yang umum pada bagian Written Expression pada tes TOEFL yaitu  singular noun digunakan dimana seharusnya plural noun yang diperlukan, atau plural noun digunakan dimana seharusnya singular noun yang diperlukan.

(a) On the table there were many dish*.
(b) The lab assistant finished every tests*.
    Pada contoh kalimat (a), kata “many” mengindikasikan bahwa seharusnya bentuk plural “dishes” yang diperlukan. Pada contoh kalimat (b), kata “every” mengindikasikan bahwa bentuk singular “test” yang diperlukan.
    Pada bagian Written Expression pada tes TOEFL, Anda sebaiknya perhatikan dengan seksama kata-kata kunci, seperti each, every, a, one, dan single, yang menunjukkan bahwa noun tersebut seharusnya dalam bentuk singular.
    Anda sebaiknya juga memperhatikan dengan seksama pada kata-kata kunci seperti many, several, both, various, dan two (atau beberapa kata jumlah lainnya, selain one), yang menunjukkan bahwa noun tersebut seharusnya dalam bentuk plural.

Perlu diingat!!!

Key Words For Singular And Plural Noun
Each, Every, Single, One, A/An
Both, Two, Many, Several, Various


Each of the following sentences contains at least one keyword to tell you if a noun should be singular or plural. Underline the keywords. Bold the nouns they describe. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). 

1.    The automotive shop stocked many part for the various types of Hondas. (.....)

2.    Every receipt must be removed from the cashier’s drawer and tallied. (.....)

3.    The salesclerk demonstrated various addittional way that the machine could be used. (.....)

4.    The woman found it difficult to believe that both of the piece of jewelry had disappeared. (.....)

5.    The unhappy man became more and more discouraged with each passing days. (.....)

6.    An extended cruise would be a nice way to spend a vacation one days. (.....)

7.    The manager was surprised that not a single worker was available on Tuesday. (.....)

8.    The housekeeper cleaned the room and took two of the occupant’s dress to the laundry. (.....)

9.    When the first bill was defeated, the Senate immediately bedan work on a different bills. (.....)

10. There were several boxes in the cupboard, and each box contained a dozen glasses. (.....)



1.    The automotive shop stocked many parts for the varioustypes of Hondas. (I) >> many + plural noun (parts).

2.    Everyreceipt must be removed from the cashier’s drawer and tallied. (C)

3.    The salesclerk demonstrated various addittional ways that the machine could be used. (I) >> various + plural noun (ways)

4.    The woman found it difficult to believe that both of the piece of jewelry had disappeared. (I) >> kata piece seharusnya pieces mengikuti kata jewelry yang sebagai uncountable noun.

5.    The unhappy man became more and more discouraged with each passing days. (I) >> each + singular noun (day).

6.    Anextended cruise would be anice way to spend a vacation one days. (I) >> one + singular noun (day)

7.    The manager was surprised that not a single worker was available on Tuesday. (C)

8.    The housekeeper cleaned the room and took two of the occupant’s dresses to the laundry. (I) >> two + plural noun (dresses).

9.    When the first bill was defeated, the Senate immediately bedan work on adifferent bills. (I) >> a + singular noun (bill).

10. There were several boxes in the cupboard, and each boxcontained a dozen glasses. (C) >> a dozen (selusin; 12 buah).

Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test

See also:

1.    Part of Speech

2.    Part of Speech: Noun

3.    TOEFL Part 11 The Structure Questions: Part A & Part B

4.    TOEFL Part 12 The Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, Part C, & Part D

5.    TOEFL Part 13 The Structure Questions

6.    TOEFL Part 14 The Structure Questions

7.    TOEFL Part 15 The Structure Questions

Next >>>
    Demikian tadi sekilas Penjelasan TOEFL Test Part 12A terkait Structure & Written Expression “Problems With Nouns”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih ;)




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