Skill 41 Recognize Irregular Plurals Of Noun (Mengenali Kata Benda Jamak Yang Tidak Beraturan)
Vowel change (Perubahan huruf vokal) | Man / Men Woman / Women Foot / Feet Tooth / Teeth Goose / Geese Mouse / Mice |
Add “-EN” (ketambahan –en) | Child / Children Ox / Oxen |
Same as singular (sama dengan bentuk singular) | Deer / Deer Fish / Fish Salmon / Salmon Sheep / Sheep Trout / Trout |
-is -> -es (Perubahan akhiran –is menjadi –es) | Analysis / Analyses Axis / Axes Crisis / Crises Diagnosis / Diagnoses Hypothesis / Hypothesis Parenthesis / Parentheses Synthesis / Syntheses Thesis / Theses |
Ends in –a (berakhiran dengan –a) | Bacterium / Bacteria Curriculum / Curricula Datum / Data Phenomenon / Phenomena Criterion / Criteria |
-us -> -i (Perubahan akhiran –us menjadi –i) | Alumnus / Alumni Bacillus / Bacilli Cactus / Cacti Fungus / Fungi Nucleus / Nuclei Radius / Daii Stimulus / Stimuli Syllabus / Syllabi |
1. Parentheses is needed around that expression. (.....)
2. He wants to go on a fishing trip this weekend because he has heard that the fish are running. (.....)
3. The syllabi for the course is included in the packet of materials. (.....)
4. The diagnosis that he heard today were not very positive. (.....)
5. The crisis is not going to be resolved until some of the pressure is relieved. (.....)
6. All of the alumni are attending the reception at the president’s house. (.....)
7. A flock of geese were seen heading south for the winter. (.....)
8. The teeth in the back of his mouth needs to be capped. (.....)
9. The fungi has spread throughout the garden. (.....)
10. The sheepdog is chasing after the sheep which are heading over the hill. (.....)
Key Answer
1. Parenthesesis needed around that expression. (I) > Karena “parenthesis” merupakan irregular plural noun maka harus diikuti plural verb yaitu are.
2. He wants to go on a fishing trip this weekend because he has heard that the fishare running. (C)
3. The syllabi for the course is included in the packet of materials. (I) > Karena “syllabi” merupakan irregular plural noun maka harus diikuti plural verb yaitu are
4. The diagnosis that he heard today were not very positive. (I) > Karena “diagnosis” merupakan singular noun maka harus diikuti plural verb yaitu was.
5. The crisis is not going to be resolved until some of the pressure is relieved. (C)
6. All of the alumni are attending the reception at the president’s house. (C)
7. A flock of geese were seen heading south for the winter. (C)
8. The teeth in the back of his mouth needs to be capped. (I) > Karena “teeth” merupakan irregular plural noun maka harus diikuti plural verb yaitu need.
9. The fungi has spread throughout the garden. (I) > Karena “fungi” merupakan irregular plural noun maka harus diikuti plural verb yaitu has spread.
10. The sheepdog is chasing after the sheep which are heading over the hill. (C)
3. TOEFL Part 11 The Structure Questions: Part A & Part B
4. TOEFL Part 12 The Structure Questions: Part A, Part B, Part C, & Part D
5. TOEFL Part 13 The Structure Questions:
6. TOEFL Part 14 The Structure Questions:
7. TOEFL Part 15 The Structure Questions: